Have you ever seen flightless birds?? We usually see birds flying in a blue sky but few species of birds cannot fly. They have short wings and can run on the ground and swim in the ocean. This article will provide you with complete and authentic flightless birds information regarding. So following is the list of 10 most amazing flightless birds in the world.
1. Ostrich

Ostrich is a large flightless bird with very powerful and strong long legs. The most amazing thing about Ostrich is that they can run very fast on land. No other bird can match the running speed of Ostrich. The eggs of this extinct flightless bird are also larger than any other living bird.
2. Cassowary

The cassowary is mostly found in New Guinea and Australia. The cassowary is the heaviest extinct flightless bird in Australia. Be careful when you want to go close to it because Cassowary is the most dangerous animal. Cassowary comes at number 2 in the list of flightless birds.
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3. Emu

Emu has a huge height and that is the reason it is the second tallest bird in the world. This bird of paradise is mostly found in Australia. Australians love this large flightless bird because it is an important source of meat for them.
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4. Emperor Penguin

No list of flightless birds is fully complete without the Emperor Penguin. One of the most beautiful and lovable birds lives in the coldest environment on earth. They look so innocent and adorable. People have a huge craze about Emperor Penguin and it is at number 4 in the list of flightless birds.
When it comes to beauty among all non-flying birds Penguin is at the top. People go to cold areas to watch this beauty. Another amazing thing is that they are the heaviest species of living penguins. There are 18 species of Penguin and all of them can’t fly but they can run and swim very well.
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5. Rhea

Rhea is native to South Africa and actually, it is closely related to emu and ostrich. Two species of Rhea exist within the South American content of Brazil and Argentina. The names of the two species are greater rhea and lesser rhea.
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6. Kakapo

The kakapo is a large flightless parrot native to New Zealand. They are highly famous for their yellow and green color and are an excellent climber as well. They live under trees and mostly move around at night.
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7. Kiwi

Kiwi is the smallest ratites living in the world and is mostly found in New Zealand. As we all know the Kiwi is a national symbol of New Zealand that’s why they are usually called Kiwis.
8. Campbell Teal: Rarest flightless birds

Campbell Teal is also native to New Zealand and listed as endangered. Campbell Teal has marked its name as number 8 in this list. They are the world’s rarest ducks but are highly famous among bird lovers.
9. Inaccessible Island Rail

They are only found on Inaccessible islands and are also the smallest bird in the beautiful world of the rail family. Due to their short length people easily identify them.
10. Galapagos Cormorant

Galapagos Cormorant comes at number 10 in the list they are famous because they are unique. The fact of the matter is that they are the only Cormorant that has lost the ability to fly. They have webbed feet and very strong legs. Their favorite food is fish, small octopus, and all other small marine creatures. Galapagos Cormorant belongs to the Phalacrocoracidae family which is very popular.
People have a huge craze for them because they slightly look like ducks. The astonishing part is that the appearance of both males and females is the same. In height, males are superior them females because they are larger in height. As same as other birds their feathers are not waterproof.