Our history has enormous stories including some we haven’t yet found. These biggest historical mysteries have bewildered researchers for many years but still, these have remained uncertain. Perhaps the new generation may find out about them. We have a list of some mysteries in them that haven’t been solved yet. Maybe you know some of them. Have a look at the 10 biggest historical mysteries.
10: Mystery of Bermuda Triangle

The Bermuda Triangle is also notorious for the “Devil’s Triangle”. It is situated in the western part region of the North Atlantic Ocean. Here numerous ships and aircraft have disappeared mysteriously. Nobody knows about this mystery of what happened to them. One article by Miami Herald in 1950, published the disappearance about it.
Many trustworthy sources denied this idea of mystery. Even the surrounding areas of the Bermuda Triangle are extremely traveled lanes in the world. Many ships cross through it for the ports of America, Europe, and the Caribbean islands. Almost regularly cruise ships and crafts sail through it and aircraft fly over from it. According to many people, it is still a mysterious land and counts as the biggest historical mysteries in the world.
09: Mysteries about Pyramids in Egypt

The mysteries about pyramids in Egypt also include in biggest historical mysteries in the world. Pyramids are one of the familiar symbols of the historical Egyptian Pharaohs. Even these multifarious tombs were built only for the divergent portions of their civilization. It was built around the 1st dynasty with a unique shape. One of the durable mysteries of the pyramids axis is how they were built and what was the purpose of making this type of tomb. Maybe some secrets behind it included still one of the mysteries.
08: Mystery of Green Children

During the 12th century, the village of Woolpit in Suffolk, England had reportedly two children with unusual skin color. They conversed in a strange language and ate just raw beans. Ultimately they learned to eat other foodstuffs and gradually lost their green color. But the boy couldn’t survive in that environment became sick and died soon.
After that girl adjusted to her new life and learned the English language. She said that they came from Saint Martin’s land, a subterranean planet. Still, it counted in the biggest historical mysteries that haven’t been solved.
07: A mysterious Manuscript

The Voynich manuscript recognized as an old book for almost 500 years. It is written in a mysterious language that still no one can understand. In 1912, this book got the name after Wilfrid Voynich who bought this book in Italy. Many people tried to understand this book but no was succeeded yet. It counted as one of the biggest historical mysteries. Now a recent theory told that it could be a women’s health medical book but quickly it was debunked.
06: Phaistos Disc

Likewise, the Voynich manuscript, the Phaistos Disc is also an additional mystery in the biggest historical mysteries that nobody can interpret. It is a clay disc made sometime during the Bronze Age that was revealed in 1908. It is enclosed with puzzling mysterious symbols. Some proposed that it might have been a type of board game or desired by the supernatural being of fertility. Hence, it is still unsolved.
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05: The lost colony of Roanoke

Roanoke Island is located on the coast of North Carolina. It was recognized by the English settlers in 1587. John White departed it for most supplies in England. He left his wife and children here. Because of the impending war with Spain, he couldn’t come back early. When he returned here in 1590, he saw the whole colony was vacant. No one was there. The fortune of the first colonists of Roanoke Island is still a mystery. It is one of America’s biggest historical mysteries in the earth.
04: Mysterious Antikythera mechanism

The Antikythera mechanism was a historical analog computer in the world. It was believed to be made by ancient Greek scientists around 100-150 B.C. This included one of the biggest historical mysteries in the world. It is used to predict astronomical positions and even though tell about eclipses. It remained a mystery because mechanical clocks were made in the 14th century, in Europe.
03: Mysterious Dancing Plague

In the 15th century, a mysterious plague hit the Strasbourg. It is recognized as the “dancing plague” A woman whose name was Frau Troffea turned into a slender street and suddenly started dancing. Unintentionally the dancing fever gripped her for many days. After that, it began to suffer others. Because of this around 400 people became infected with the so-called mysterious dancing plague. Even some of them died due to heart attacks and fatigue from this plague.
In its climax, probably this plague killed almost 15 people daily. The doctors thought that it was due to hot blood that urged them to dance. However, the mystery is still unsolved as to what the reason was. It consisted of historical biggest mysteries.
2: Mystery of Taboot-e-Sakina

Firstly the Taboot-e-Sakina blessed Hazrat Adam (A.S) then afterward other prophets according to inheritance. Taboot held some important things like Lauh-e-Quran, Hazrat Musa’s Aasa, the original version of Tauraat, and some special utensils, etc. It is believed that Taboot bestowed to Hazrat Dawood (A.S). He decided to make it for the temple but it didn’t complete in his life.
After that it was completed in Hazrat Suleman (A.S)’s life, that’s why it was named the Haikal-e-Suleimani. The Taboot remained saved until the attackers of Babul. After the attack, Taboot-e-sakina was misplaced and still wasn’t found. Some believed that many were Babylon attackers who took it with them. It is one of the biggest historical mysteries in the world.
01: Mysterious Mohenjo-Daro

Mohenjo-Daro was a mysterious land of Pakistan that emerged around 4500 years ago. It was advanced, prosperous, and fully furnished with the latest technology. Its water supply system and disposal system were unique in ancient times. It is the biggest historical mystery in the world that how they knew the latest technologies and what happened with it that it destructed. It is still a puzzle for many of us.