Nowadays everyone wants to look healthy, younger, beautiful, and fit. Following are the top 10 Best Super Foods for Healthy Skin that will improve your skin health.
Top 10 Best Foods for Healthy Skin
1. Blueberries

Blueberries were ranked number one in antioxidant activity by the U.S. In Blueberries lots of antioxidants are present and these antioxidants protect from premature aging and cancer. It contains fiber, vitamin C, vitamin K, and manganese. There is no cholesterol in its powerful antioxidants in blueberries can help to reduce the levels of oxidized LDL. It also contains various other nutrients in a small amount. It is also helpful foods for people with high blood pressure which is also known as a silent killer. So add blueberries to your daily diet.
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2. Spinach

Spinach is rich in antioxidants and all those important nutrients which are very important for your entire body. Spinach contains a large amount of lutein which is healthy for your eyes. It is also a great source of Vitamin C, E, and B, calcium, iron, magnesium, and omega-3 fatty acids. The amazing benefits of spinach are to remove acne to protect skin from sunburn, aging improves the face complexion. Spinach also helps to fight against hair loss and helps to promote hair growth. So simply add spinach to your daily diet.
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3. Tomatoes

Tomatoes are very tasty and it is very healthy. Tomatoes are rich in antioxidants and lycopene which is necessary for our body. Lycopene can easily be absorbed by our body when it is cooked. It is very healthy for the skin. It contains vitamin C which helps to brighten the skin. Tomatoes act as a natural sunscreen help to treat open pores and reduce the signs of aging.
The antioxidants in tomatoes help to protect against cancer and also help in the treatment of cancer. It is very good for bones because it is rich in calcium. Tomatoes also protect from high blood pressure, Free radicals help to lower cholesterol, boost immunity, contain anti-inflammatory properties, prevent blood clots, and much more.
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4. Walnuts

Walnuts are very healthy they provide many health benefits to skin, hair, eyes, and bones. It contains many vitamins and minerals like folic acid, copper, Phosphorus, vitamin E, and B6 and also contains omega-3 fatty acids and a high amount of antioxidants. Other benefits of walnuts are cancer prevention, Heart Health, Brain health, and much more. So eat walnuts daily for good health and a healthy lifestyle.
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5. Yogurt

Yogurt is a good source of calcium, iron, carbohydrate, sodium, potassium, etc. Yogurt contains probiotics which are very important for the digestive system, boost the immune system, and also help to reduce eczema in babies. After taking antibiotics many people suffer from unpleasant side effects like diarrhea, abdominal pain, or bloating.
So eating foods that are rich in probiotics helps to reduce the side effects of antibiotics. Yogurt also reduces the risk of high blood pressure. Yogurt is also very good for the skin it reduces the fine lines and wrinkles naturally. The lactic acid in yogurt helps to remove dead skin, remove spots, and tighten pores. So to take advantage of its amazing benefits add yogurt to your daily diet.
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6. Sweet Potatoes

Sweet Potatoes are a good food source of vitamin A which is in the form of beta-carotene. They also contain vitamin C, manganese, copper, and vitamin B6, potassium, dietary fiber, vitamin B1, vitamin B2, and phosphorus, antioxidants, anti-inflammatory properties. It provides great benefits to the skin. Beta-carotene which is an antioxidant fights against aging. Sweet potatoes improve face texture and complexion, cure cracked heels; moisturize the skin, and much more. So eat sweet potatoes because they are very healthy.
7. Dark Chocolate

Yes, dark chocolate provides many benefits to your body. It keeps the skin hydrated, protects the body from sun damage, fights free radicals, and improves thickness. Chocolate makes you look younger.
8. Kiwis

Kiwis are loaded with vitamin C and antioxidants. Kiwis are very important for rejuvenating your skin’s health and helping prevent wrinkles. They are very good for bones and are also an excellent laxative. Antioxidants in kiwis also protect against heart disease and cancer.
9: Oysters

Oysters are a good source of zinc which helps to repair damaged skin cells. Zinc is also healthy for hair, eyes, and nails. It keeps you looking beautiful.
10. Wild Salmon

Wild Salmon is an excellent source of omega-3 fatty acids which helps to keep the skin moisturized. Selenium is present in salmon which protects the skin from the damage of the sun. Vitamin D is also present in salmon which keeps your bones and teeth healthy. Salmon also contains great amounts of amino acids and antioxidants. It prevents cancer, inflammation, etc. Due to omega-3 fatty acids, salmon is good for the eyes too. So all you need is that add salmon to your daily diet and enjoy its health benefits.